According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ( violence and other injuries caused by persons or animals accounts for over 500 incidents per year. Can you accept these losses? Contact OP4 Elite today to prepare and survive.

Offices are vulnerable to attack by terrorists, disgruntled employees, and other distraught persons. OP4 Elite has developed comprehensive training packages for security and staff.

We train security personnel to rapidly engage with and reduce the threat, and staff to improvise and survive. Our system relies on proven tactics that will stop the killing, treat casualties, and account for personnel.

OP4 Elite comes to your office to conduct training. Your package is built specifically for your office space. We provide tailored instruction that introduces you to the concepts then re-enforces your new skills through scenario based events.

We have specialized firearms simulators to allow the incorporation of lethal force training from any location to provide your armed security staff the most realistic experience possible.